Local Resources – New Materials

In­tro­duc­tion and open­ing re­marks by the Rec­tor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Modi­gell and Daniela Ott­mann

Prof. Heike Kluss­mann is pre­sent­ing the trans­dis­ci­pli­nary re­search plat­form BAU KUNST ERFIN­D­EN (Build­ing Art In­ven­tion) at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Kas­sel. The re­search fo­cus­es on the ex­per­i­men­tal de­vel­op­ment of new ma­te­rial con­cepts. BAU KUNST ERFIN­D­EN brings to gether ex­perts from the fields of vi­su­al art, ar­chi­tec­ture, in­ter­ac­tion de­sign, in­dus­trial de­sign, ex­per­i­men­tal physics, and ma­te­rials re­search.

Karen Winz­er & Flo­rian Gwin­n­er about teach­ing at the De­part­ment of Vi­su­al Art & Ar­chi­tec­ture. Se­lect­ed stu­dent pro­jects show the find­ings of the re­search flow in­to the teach­ing and vice ver­sa.

Ni­co Kudiel­ka & An­dre May & Les­sano Ne­gus­si are pre­sent­ing their mas­ter th­e­s­es: MS IM-PORT//EX-PORT. A trans­dis­ci­pli­nary plat­form for art, sci­ence and teach­ing on the riv­er Ful­da. Ex­hi­bi­tions, lec­tures, work­shops and col­lab­o­ra­tive work took place on the main, up­per and sun decks. In a pro­cess of in­vesti­ga­tion and imag­i­na­tion, vari­ous fields were made ac­ces­si­ble through dia­logue with other dis­ci­p­lines.

Si­mon Deeg & An­dreas Pick­er about DIY - (Do-It-Your­self) - strate­gies in teach­ing and re­search. The DIY Labs of BAU KUNST ERFIN­D­EN are re­search and pro­to­typ­ing lab­o­ra­to­ries shared by both stu­dents and aca­dem­ic staff. Do-it-your self strate­gies con­tain the spir­it of re­search, pro­mote self-or gani za­tion, im­pro­vi­sa­tion, ini­tia­tive. They are based and on the pow er of the in­di­vi­d­u­al as the driv­ing force for de­vel­op­ment and change.

Klau­dia Kruse is pre­sent­ing ex­cerpts of her work ‘Life- live- work’ and ‘Bio-ti­ful’. It il­lus­trates how in­no­va­tions that com­bine aes­thet­ics and ex­em­plary func­tio­n­al­i­ties from the world of na­ture can re­in­force sus­tain­able at­ti­tudes and lifestyles.

Thorsten Kloost­er in­sights to cur­rent re­search pro­jects by BAU KUNST ERFIN­D­EN: “Mag­net­ic Pat­tern­ing of Con­crete” ex­plores na­t­u­ral forces as tran­for­ma­tive pro­cess on sur­faces. “DysCrete” in vesti­gates the tech­ni­cal prin­ci­ples of dye-sen­si­tized so­lar cells for the pur­pose of a nov­el so­lar ac­tive con­crete. “BlingCrete” - a new light re­flect­ing con­crete,.

Daniela Ott­mann In­tro­duc­tion to ‘Lo­cal Re­sources - New Ma­te­rials’, a joint re­search pro­ject be­tween the Uni­ver­si­ty of Kas­sel, Ger­many and GUtech Oman. Re­search is to ex­plore and ex­per­i­ment with lo­cal­ly avai­l­able tra­di­tio­n­al ma­te­rials and tech­nolo­gies in or­der to in­vent ‘new ma­te­rials’ to meet the needs of a sus­tain­able built en­vi­ron­ment of the pre­sent and fu­ture.

Ali Al Mughairi Overview of lo­cal ma­te­rial re­search as part of the re­search pro­ject: Lo­cal Re­sources:New Ma­te­rials

Lo­ca­tion: GUtech Hal­ban, Au­di­to­ri­um 101 M

About the Conference

Sym­po­si­um at the Ger­­man Uni­ver­si­­ty of Tech­no­lo­­gy in Oman (GU­tech)
Mus­cat, Oman
